Injured In a Car Crash?
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Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Injury

If you or a loved one have experienced a motor vehicle injury, it's crucial to know what to do next. In such situations, you might be entitled to compensation from the person or company responsible for the injury due to their negligence. Here's a guide to help you navigate the aftermath of an accident and ensure you're on the right path to seeking the compensation you deserve.
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Always Stop and Fulfill Your Legal Duty

The first thing to do if you're in an accident is to stop your vehicle. It's your legal obligation to do so.

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Avoid Admitting Fault

Even if you think you might have caused the accident, don't say it's your fault at the scene. Fault determination is complex and should be left to professionals.

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Check for Urgent Medical Needs

After the accident, take a moment to check if anyone is in need of immediate medical attention. Call for help if necessary.

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Involve the Police

Contact the police and have them come to the scene. A police report will be essential for filing an insurance claim.

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Limit Conversations About the Accident

While it's important to exchange information, avoid discussing the accident's details too extensively with the other party.

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Gather Information

Collect as much information as possible about the accident. This includes names, addresses, license plate numbers, phone numbers, and more.

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Consult an Attorney

If you've sustained injuries, it's wise to speak with an attorney before engaging with your insurance company. They can provide valuable guidance on your next steps.

These steps can help ensure you handle a motor vehicle injury situation appropriately and increase your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve.
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Determining the Value of Your Car Accident Claim

Understanding the potential worth of your car accident claim is a complex process, influenced by a variety of factors that play a role in both the success of your claim and the compensation you may receive.
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Medical Expenses Incurred

The total cost of your medical bills related to the accident.

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Future Medical Costs

Anticipated expenses for ongoing medical treatment.

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Lost Income

Compensation for income you missed due to your injuries.

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Impact on Future Earnings

Consideration of any lasting effects on your ability to earn money.

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Vehicle Repair Costs

The expenses to repair your damaged vehicle.

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Physical Consequences

Whether your injuries led to scars, disability, or loss of bodily function.

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For a rough idea of what you could potentially anticipate, here are some suggested benchmarks outlining average car accident settlement estimates:
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Minor Injuries

Cases involving minor injuries like "soft tissue" or "whiplash" typically yield settlements between $10,000 and $25,000.

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Orthopedic Injuries

More significant injuries requiring treatments like surgery or ongoing therapy can lead to settlements ranging from $50,000 to $75,000.

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Spinal Injuries (Non-Paralysis)

Settlements for spinal injuries without paralysis tend to average between $75,000 and $100,000.

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Paralysis Cases

Injuries resulting in paralysis usually result in settlements reaching the high six-figures or even millions.

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Brain Injuries (Various)

Brain injuries leading to cognitive impairment, loss of brain function, or requiring surgery generally settle in the $100,000 to $250,000 range.

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Severe Brain Injuries

Catastrophic brain injuries that necessitate constant care can lead to settlements in the high six-figures or even millions.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Lawyer After We've Been Matched?

When it comes to interacting with a lawyer or attorney, being prepared for your discussions is key to getting the information you need. Here are some useful inquiries to consider posing to a lawyer before deciding to proceed with their full services:
  • Can you share your experience with cases similar to mine and describe the outcomes?
  • How do you plan to assess the merits of my case?
  • What's the extent of your experience in this field?
  • Will there be a team assigned to my case, and if so, for how long?
  • Could you provide an estimate of the anticipated work hours involved?
  • What measures do you have in place to ensure the confidentiality of my information?
  • Is a no win/no fee arrangement something you offer?
  • How frequently can we have discussions about the progress of my case?

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